• Spring 2025

    January 7, TuesdayDeparture from Home Country
    January 8, WednesdayArrival in Florence
    January 9-10, Thursday – SaturdayOrientation
    January 13, MondayClasses Begin
    February 24-27, Monday – ThursdayMidterm Exams
    February 28 – March 9, Friday – Sunday   Semester Break
    April 17, ThursdayClasses End
    April 21, MondayHoliday – Institute Closed
    April 22-25, Tuesday – FridayFinal Exams
    April 25, FridayFarewell Reception – Holiday – Institute Open
    April 26, SaturdayProgram Ends. Students vacate apartments by 10 am

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This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

Course Description

This course explores the life and work of Michelangelo, one of the most revolutionary, respected, and influential Renaissance artists. We focus on four main and interrelated areas, and the dynamic relationships between them: painting, sculpture, architecture, and drawing. Most weeks, we meet once in the classroom, to look, from many points of view, at Michelangelo’s works, working process, interactions with patrons, and his impact on other artists. Then, we meet on site, to explore his works in person in museums, churches, piazzas, and other sites. Other important components of the course are group discussions of the readings, and presentations of student research and creative projects.

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Below are the course’s learning outcomes, followed by the methods that will be used to assess students’ achievement for each learning outcome. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

- express what they see in Michelangelo’s works with greater precision and accurate terms (Intermediate Tests, Reading Presentation, Class Discussion)

- identify the materials and techniques employed by Michelangelo, and explain the impact of these aspects on the appearance of the final works (Mid-Term Exam, Final Exam, Term Paper)

- explain the function and message of Michelangelo’s major works (Mid-Term Exam, Final Exam, Term Paper, Class Discussion)

- distinguish between documented facts and interpretative perception of Michelangelo’s life and works (Reading Review, Term Paper, Class Discussion)

This course proposes to introduce students from multiple academic backgrounds to the use of negotiation as a means of dispute resolution, and to provide a forum for dialogue in line with the “core values” of ISI such as “integrity, service, action, and leadership to advance and improve our world.”

 On an elevated theoretical and doctrinal level, this course will teach students to be aware of their own negotiation processes, both in terms of conceptualizing negotiable problems; behavior when negotiating; and the negotiation choices they make. 

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Below are the course’s learning outcomes, followed by the methods that will be used to assess students’ achievement for each learning outcome. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • learn to analyze the social media strategy of major brands in the food industry;

  • learn the responsibilities of different kinds of digital participation, from curating social media to blogging;

  • cultivate an ability to discern, analyze and manage attention to food;

  • learn to use social media tools effectively for the food industry;

  • understand the need for critical consumption of information;

  • understand and practice appropriate online behavior as a food social media manager;

  • learn how to become critical citizens thanks to social media considering the impact of their actions in a digital environment.

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Below are the course’s learning outcomes, followed by the methods that will be used to assess students’ achievement for each learning outcome. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • learn to analyze the social media strategy of major brands in the food industry;

  • learn the responsibilities of different kinds of digital participation, from curating social media to blogging;

  • cultivate an ability to discern, analyze and manage attention to food;

  • learn to use social media tools effectively for the food industry;

  • understand the need for critical consumption of information;

  • understand and practice appropriate online behavior as a food social media manager;

  • learn how to become critical citizens thanks to social media considering the impact of their actions in a digital environment.

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Below are the course’s learning outcomes, followed by the methods that will be used to assess students’ achievement for each learning outcome. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • learn to analyze the social media strategy of major brands in the food industry;

  • learn the responsibilities of different kinds of digital participation, from curating social media to blogging;

  • cultivate an ability to discern, analyze and manage attention to food;

  • learn to use social media tools effectively for the food industry;

  • understand the need for critical consumption of information;

  • understand and practice appropriate online behavior as a food social media manager;

  • learn how to become critical citizens thanks to social media considering the impact of their actions in a digital environment.

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Below are the course’s learning outcomes, followed by the methods that will be used to assess students’ achievement for each learning outcome. By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • learn to analyze the social media strategy of major brands in the food industry;

  • learn the responsibilities of different kinds of digital participation, from curating social media to blogging;

  • cultivate an ability to discern, analyze and manage attention to food;

  • learn to use social media tools effectively for the food industry;

  • understand the need for critical consumption of information;

  • understand and practice appropriate online behavior as a food social media manager;

  • learn how to become critical citizens thanks to social media considering the impact of their actions in a digital environment.

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want.

What is “Social Media”- and how will developing media skills help students plan successful careers in the world of food? The world of social media has its specialized vocabulary for food studies as well as other fields.

Key terms such as "strategy," "engagement," and "content" form the basis of our study.

More importantly, we may say that social media today is a "must" not only for any business company seeking a place in the market but also for anyone willing to emerge professionally and build a career in a society where most people expect to have whatever they need whenever they want.

Course Description

This course will offer students a foundation in one of the most diffused media of the contemporary world: photography.

Students will be immersed in the world of imagery by walking tours in the Florentine landscape including urban sites and historical monuments. Florence is an ideal city for photographic imagery. Apart from hosting some of the most precious artworks, it is blessed with a variety of buildings and the unforgettable Tuscan landscape. Relying on these unique features, students will focus on beginning digital photographic techniques including professional portfolio presentation and creative thinking.

Course Description

This course will offer students a foundation in one of the most diffused media of the contemporary world: photography.

Students will be immersed in the world of imagery by walking tours in the Florentine landscape including urban sites and historical monuments. Florence is an ideal city for photographic imagery. Apart from hosting some of the most precious artworks, it is blessed with a variety of buildings and the unforgettable Tuscan landscape. Relying on these unique features, students will focus on beginning digital photographic techniques including professional portfolio presentation and creative thinking.

Course Description

This course will offer students a foundation in one of the most diffused media of the contemporary world: photography.

Students will be immersed in the world of imagery by walking tours in the Florentine landscape including urban sites and historical monuments. Florence is an ideal city for photographic imagery. Apart from hosting some of the most precious artworks, it is blessed with a variety of buildings and the unforgettable Tuscan landscape. Relying on these unique features, students will focus on beginning digital photographic techniques including professional portfolio presentation and creative thinking.


During class time there will be theoretical lectures, technical demonstrations, slide shows, practical work, critiques and photo-shooting field trips. Since photography is an art and this is a practical course, students are expected to be creative and to actively participate in class critiques and photographic practices.


Students learn how to use visual intelligence, skills and strategies to create meaningful images that reflect different multicultural realities. The works of the masters in this genre from its origin to Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helen Levitt, and Robert Frank will be analyzed and provided as a source of inspiration. The course has a strong on–site component and students will be guided to identify meaningful ‘local' subjects and acquire confidence in photographing people on the streets and in a variety of different situations.

Students learn how to use visual intelligence, skills and strategies to create meaningful images that reflect different multicultural realities. The works of the masters in this genre from its origin to Henri Cartier-Bresson, Helen Levitt, and Robert Frank will be analyzed and provided as a source of inspiration. The course has a strong on–site component and students will be guided to identify meaningful ‘local' subjects and acquire confidence in photographing people on the streets and in a variety of different situations.

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy. 

This comprehensive Pre-departure Orientation Course is designed to equip you with all the information and references you need to kick off a successful study abroad experience in Italy.